Conferences history
- El Palimpsesto de la Obra de H.P. Lovecraft y su Emancipación de la Ruptura del Antropocentrismo: la Voz del Abismo (Congreso)
- Martín, Manuel Jesús
- Scolas 54Th Annual Conference - 11/03/2020 - 14/03/2020 (Albuquerque, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, EEUU)
- O Doppelgänger, o Narcisismo e a Sociedade Patriarcal Em o Homem Duplicado (Congreso)
- Martín, Manuel Jesús
- 21St Annual Céfiro Conference - 05/03/2020 - 07/03/2020 (Lubbock, - Texas, EEUU)
- 'The Psychological Basis of Horror Appeal': Revising the Influence of Poe on Lovecraft (Congreso)
- Olavarría, Roberto
- 2Nd International Conference of the Edgar Allan Poe Spanish Association (Eapsa) - 05/02/2020 - 07/02/2020 (- Almería, - ESPAÑA)
- Random Design: Aesthetic and Ethical Implications of Bioart in Richard Powers- Orfeo (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Langues, Textes, Arts Et Cultures Du Monde Anglophone - Prismes - 23/01/2020 - 25/01/2020 (Paris)
- Embodying Position and Momentum. Intra-Active, Reflexive Research As a Form of Critical Posthumanism (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- 43Rd Aedean Conference - 13/11/2019 - 15/11/2019 (- Alicante, España)
- The Shadow in the Mind: a New Interpretation of Hp Lovecraft'S "The Shadow Out of Time" (Congreso)
- Olavarría, Roberto
- 43Rd Aedean Conference - 13/11/2019 - 15/11/2019 (- Alicante, España, Universidad de Alicante)
- Leonard Cohen, Democracia y el Marketing Ideológico (Congreso)
- Mesic, Jiri
- Perspectiva Sonora - 03/07/2019 - 05/07/2019 (Mataró (Barcelona), España)
- Split.A Dystopian Vision of Transhuman Enhancement (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- 16Th International Conference on Contemporary Narratives in English: -Representation in the Time of the Posthuman: Transhuman Enhancement in 21St Century Storytelling- - 29/05/2019 - 31/05/2019 (- Zaragoza, España)
- The Posthuman Lens in Infinite Jest and the Transhuman View from the Natural/Biological Eye (Congreso)
- Chapman, Ana María
- 16Th International Conference on Contemporary Narratives in English - 29/05/2019 - 31/05/2019 (- Zaragoza, España (Universidad de Zaragoza))
- Opening Certain Doors in the Crimson Petal and the White: Women'S Voices from a Neo-Victorian Orientation (Congreso)
- Chapman, Ana María
- (Neo-)Victorian "Orientations" in the Twenty-First Century - 15/05/2019 - 17/05/2019 (Universidad de Málaga)
- Perfunctory I: Transhuman Eyes and Posthuman Gaze in Tao Lin-S Taipei (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- 14Th International Conference of the Spanish Association for American Studies (Saas) -The Image and the Word,- - 09/04/2019 - 11/04/2019 (- Salamanca, España)
- "You Might As Well Be Machines": Entertainment and the Malleable Body in Infinite Jest- (Congreso)
- Chapman, Ana María
- 14Th International Conference of the Spanish Association for American Studies - 09/04/2019 - 11/04/2019 (Aula Magna de la Facultad de Filología. Universidad de Salamanca)
- -Low in Sodium: the New Blandness of Study Abroad Programs- (Congreso)
- Forum on Education Abroad - 27/03/2019 - 29/03/2019 (Denver, Colorado)
- Las Tres Marías y la Perpetuación del Estatus Quo Social a Través de las Instituciones Educativas: la Monja y la Iglesia ante el Advenimiento de la República en Brasil (Congreso)
- Martín, Manuel Jesús
- Symposium: Gender and Decolonization in the Iberian World - 15/11/2018 - 16/11/2018 (Boca Raton, Florida, EE.UU.)
- Intersections of Trauma and the Posthuman in American Fiction (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- 42Nd Aedean Conference - 07/11/2018 - 09/11/2018 (. FACULTAD DE FILOSOFÍA Y LETRAS DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE CÓRDOBA)
- Sense of Agency and the Role of Entertainment in Infinite Jest'S "Living Dead" (Congreso)
- Chapman, Ana María
- 42Nd Conference of Aedean (Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos) - 07/11/2018 - 09/11/2018 (. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Córdoba)
- "The Musical Garden: the Ethics and Aesthetics of Genetic Experimentation in Richard Power-S Orfeo", (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- 8Th Biennial Conference of the European Association for the Study of Literature, Culture and Environment (Easlce): "The Garden: Ecological Paradigms of Space, History, and Community" - 26/09/2018 - 29/09/2018 (, Würzburg, -, GERMANY)
- Lo Grotesto y lo Sublime: Dos Categorías Estéticas y una Visión Política de la Figura Femenina en "El Estudiante de Salamanca" y Don Juan Tenorio (Congreso)
- Martín, Manuel Jesús
- IX Congreso Internacional - 19/06/2018 - 22/06/2018 (Cáceres, España)
- Tao Lin-S Taipei: a Posthuman Narrative of Transhuman Exhaustion (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Exre(Y) 2018 Exhaustion and Regeneration in Post-Millenial, North-American Literature and Visual Culture - 10/05/2018 - 11/05/2018 (Biala Podlaska (Lublin) -POLONIA-)
- Structural Trauma and Accountable Feminist Poetry: a Critical Posthumanist Approach (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Myth, Community and the Enviroment. Women Poets and Myth (20Th-21St Centuries) - 19/04/2018 - 20/04/2018 (MADRID)
- The Popular Sources of Unpopular Genius: E.a. Poe and R. Browning (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- 1St Eapsa Conference. Poe in the Age of Populism - 31/01/2018 - 02/02/2018 (UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID)
- Lo Grotesco y lo Sublime: una Visión Política de la Figura Femenina en el Estudiante de Salamanca y Don Juan Tenorio (Congreso)
- Martín, Manuel Jesús
- Tierra Tinta: 13Th Annual Conference - 19/10/2017 - 20/10/2017 (Norman, Oklahoma, EE.UU)
- A Post-Human Approach to Femminist Myth Re-Vision (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- On Sapho-S Website. Women Poets and Myth (20Th-21St Centuries) - 25/04/2017 - 27/04/2017 (UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID)
- Working Through Postmodern Trauma in T.R. Pynchon-S Bleeding Edge (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- 13Th Saas International Saas Conference "Understanding (Human) Nature" - 05/04/2017 - 07/04/2017 (CACERES - ESPAÑA)
- Laberinto de Fortuna y la Carajicomedia: una Historia Sexual Satírica (Congreso)
- Martín, Manuel Jesús
- Céfiro'S XVIII Annual Conference - 30/03/2017 - 01/04/2017 (Lubbock, Texas, EE.UU.)
- The Border of Plausibility. Re-Making the Western Princess (Up). (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Pocahontas and After: Historical Culture and Transatlantic Encounters, 1617-2017 - 16/03/2017 - 18/03/2017 (Londres (Inglaterra))
- The Code. a Test (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- 7Th Biennial Meeting de la European Association for the Study of Culture, Literature and Environment Wildness Without Wilderness. the Poiesis of Energy and Isntability - 27/10/2016 - 30/10/2016 (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
- The Nature of Good and Evil G-D in the Work of Leonard Cohen (Congreso)
- Mesic, Jiri
- Music and Human Mobility - 07/06/2016 - 09/06/2016 (FCSH, Universidad Nova de Lisboa)
- 3.0 Gpa: Does It Matter for Study Abroad? (Congreso)
- Navigating the Intersections: the Cultures of Education Abroad» - 06/04/2016 - 08/04/2016 (Atlanta)
- The Importance of Tradition: Sensual and Spiritual Aspects of Love According to the Medieval Andalusian Muslim Poets, the Predecessors and Contemporaries of the Occitan Troubadours, in Contrast with the Contemporary Singer-Songwriter Leonard Cohen (Congreso)
- Mesic, Jiri
- Post-Ip -15: Post-in-Progress: 3Rd International Post-Graduate Forum for Studies in Music and Dance - 09/12/2015 - 11/12/2015 (Aveiro)
- Leonard Cohen, the Priest of a Catacomb Religion (Congreso)
- Mesic, Jiri
- The Sacred in Popular Music - 30/06/2015 - 30/06/2015 (Institute of the Contemporary Music Performance, London)
- "Opinions of the Characters on Conspiracy Theory" (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- International Pynchon Week: Pynchon on the Edge - 08/06/2015 - 12/06/2015 (Atenas (Grecia))
- Leonard Cohen, the Priest of a Catacomb Religion (Congreso)
- Mesic, Jiri
- 55E Congrès Société Des Anglicistes de L-Enseignement Supérieur - 04/06/2015 - 06/06/2015 (Toulon, France)
- Jaded Selves and Body Distance in Infinite Jest: a Case Study of Cotard'S Syndrome (Congreso)
- Chapman, Ana María
- Cambridge Body in Mind Symposium - 27/05/2015 - 14/03/2025 (CAMBRIDGE, CAMBRIDGE, UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, REINO UNIDO)
- The Nature of Love in the Work of Leonard Cohen (Congreso)
- Mesic, Jiri
- Love, Lust and Longing: Rethinking Intimacy, 5Th International Symposium - 11/05/2015 - 13/05/2015 (Alternative Academia, Barcelona)
- Strengths-Based Coaching: Working with Challenging Faculty Program Directors (Congreso)
- It Takes a Campus & More: the Faces of Education Abroad - 25/03/2015 - 27/03/2015 (Nueva Orleans)
- Study in Paradise: Fighting the Oxymoron? (Congreso)
- Forum on Education Abroad - 06/10/2014 - 08/10/2014 (. BARCELONA, - BARCELONA, ESPAÑA)
- Leonard Cohen, the Modern Troubadour (Congreso)
- Mesic, Jiri
- Holy Crap! Intersections of the Popular and the Sacred in Youth Cultures - 27/08/2014 - 28/08/2014 (Helsinki (Finland))
- Academic Directors Overseas: Challenges of Managing the 'Academics' in Latin American and European Programs (Congreso)
- New and Emerging Paradigms for Education Abroad» - 02/04/2014 - 04/04/2014 (San Diego, California, USA)
- The Illusion of the Real and the Not so Tangible Experience in Don Delillo'S Falling Man (Congreso)
- Chapman, Ana María
- Xxxvii Aedean International Conference - 13/11/2013 - 15/11/2013 (FACULTAD DE FILOSOFÍA Y LETRAS DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE OVIEDO)
- The Illusion of the Real and the Not so Tangible Experience in Don Delillo'S Falling Man (Congreso)
- Chapman, Ana María
- I Conferencia Internacional de Lingüística, Literatura y Estudios Culturales en Lenguas Modernas - 12/09/2013 - 13/09/2013
- Integration Or Immersion? a Comparative Study at the Tertiary Level (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- -Primer Congreso Internacional sobre Educación Bilingüe en un Mundo Globalizado- (First International Conference on Bilingual Education in a Globalized World) - 09/05/2013 - 11/05/2013 (Alcalá de Henares (Madrid))
- E.A: Poe-S Use of Dramatic Devices in Short Narrative (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- 11Th International Saas Conference -Trans-: Thepoetics and Politicsofcrossing in the Us - 20/03/2013 - 22/03/2013 (: Universidad de La Laguna, Canarias)
- Songs of Initiation by Leonard Cohen (Congreso)
- Mesic, Jiri
- Annual Student Conference del Departamento de los Estudios Ingleses y Americanos - 28/03/2012 - 28/03/2012 (Universidad de Ostrava)
- So What'S the Use? Using Evidence to Foster Global Learning Development (Congreso)
- Tracing the Experience: from Inquiry to Integration - 21/03/2012 - 23/03/2012 (DENVER, COLORADO (USA), California, USA)
- Edenism and Utopianism in Writings and Rewritings of Eighteenth-Century Exploration Journals (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- The Ecology of Utopia: Ecological Concerns and Utopianism in American Culture - 23/09/2010 - 25/09/2010 (A CORUÑA)
- Edenism and Utopianism in Writings and Rewritings of Eighteenth-Century Exploration Journal (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Congreso Internacional -The Ecology of Utopia. Ecological Concerns and Utopianism in American Culture-. - 23/09/2010 - 25/09/2010 (U. DE LA CORUÑA)
- Ultra Mare: Sea Travel Writing in the Formation of American Identity and Literary Tradition. (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Saas Conference: Water and American Renewal (9) (9.2009.Barcelona) - 01/01/2009 - 14/03/2025
- Prefigurating America: God Writes Straight on Wavy Lines (Ponencia en Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Saas Conference: Water and American Renewal (9) (9.2009.Barcelona) - 01/01/2009 - 14/03/2025
- Poe-S Long, Long Shadow: a Victorian and Postmodern Imprint of His Use of 1St Person Narrative/Poetic Voice (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Edgar Allan Poe Bicentennial Conference: the Long Shadow of a Tormented Genius () (.2009.Caceres) - 01/01/2009 - 14/03/2025 (CACERES)
- The Rebellious Self: Postmodern Violence in Amiri Baraka'S Dutchman (Congreso)
- Chapman, Ana María
- III International Conference on American Theatre and Drama: Violence on Stage. (3) (3.2009.Universidad de Cádiz.) - 01/01/2009 - 14/03/2025 (UNIVERSIDAD DE CÁDIZ.)
- De-Constructing Gender Identit(Ies) Through Discourse. Practices of Stereotyping in Literature and Public Discourse (Congreso)
- Hidalgo-Tenorio, Encarnacion / Torres-Zúñiga, Laura / BAÑÓN-LÓPEZ,PILAR / MARTÍN-GONZÁLEZ,MANUEL JESÚS / Martín, Manuel Jesús
- Asociacion Española de Estudios Anglonorteamericanos (33) (33.2009.Universidad de Cadiz) - 01/01/2009 - 14/03/2025 (UNIVERSIDAD DE CADIZ)
- Mapa de Buenas Prácticas Interculturales en Andalucía (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam / Vazquez-Aguado, Octavio / Vaz-García, Patricia
- Congreso Internacional de Educacion Intercultural (3) (3.2008.Almeria) - 01/01/2008 - 14/03/2025 (Almería)
- Definition of Good Intercultural Practices (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam / Vazquez-Aguado, Octavio
- Advances on Intercultural Studies and Migration () (.2008.Huelva) - 01/01/2008 - 14/03/2025 (HUELVA)
- Mapa de Buenas Prácticas Interculturales en Andalucía. (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam / Fernández-Borrero, Manuela Angela / Vaz-García, Patricia / Vazquez-Aguado, Octavio
- II Congreso Internacional de Educación Intercultural: la Formación para el Desarrollo de una Sociedad Intercultural. (2) (2.2008.Universidad de Almería) - 01/01/2008 - 14/03/2025
- Interculturalidad en Europa (Congreso)
- Vazquez-Aguado, Octavio / Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam / Vaz-García, Patricia
- V Congreso sobre la Inmigración en España () (.2007.Valencia) - 01/01/2007 - 14/03/2025
- Warped Discourse: That Obvious Secret in -The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen States of America (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Saas Conference (8) (8.2007.Universidad de a Coruña) - 01/01/2007 - 14/03/2025 (UNIVERSIDAD DE A CORUÑA)
- La Integración de la Red en el Aula: Webquests, Miniquests y Cazas de Tesoro (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Adquisición y Uso de Segundas Lenguas (8) (8.2007.Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla) - 01/01/2007 - 14/03/2025 (UNIVERSIDAD PABLO DE OLAVIDE DE SEVILLA)
- Corrección de Errores en el Aula de Esl (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Jornadas de Formación Continua para la Docencia de E/Le (1) (1.2006.Universidad Pablo de Olavide) - 01/01/2006 - 14/03/2025
- Interferencia Pragmática Inglés/Español Aplicada a la Enseñanza de L2 (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- I Jornada Didáctica del Español Como Lengua Extranjera (1) (1.2006.Universidad Pablo de Olavide) - 01/01/2006 - 14/03/2025
- La Inmigración en la Europa Ampliada. una Perspectiva desde España-. (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Approdi (2) (2.2006.Turin) - 01/01/2006 - 14/03/2025 (TURIN)
- La Investigación Interculture Map. -Por Qué Hablar de Calidad de la Vida? (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Interculture Map. Culture in Dialogo Nella Quotidianità () (.2006.Genova) - 01/01/2006 - 14/03/2025 (GENOVA)
- Vision Panorámica de las Buenas Prácticas Interculturales en la Europa de Hoy (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Interculture Map () (.2006.Huelva) - 01/01/2006 - 14/03/2025 (HUELVA)
- The Portrait of Two Ladies: Pynchon-S V. and Coover-S Catherine (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Jornadas de Filologia Inglesa (5) (5.2004.Cordoba) - 01/01/2004 - 14/03/2025 (CORDOBA)
- Dos Alegorias Femeninas del Texto Postmoderno (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Seminario Internacional del Grupo de Investigación "Escritoras y Escrituras" (1.2004.Sevilla) - 01/01/2004 - 14/03/2025
- Borderline Rewriting of the American Hero (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Congreso Internacional Saas American Mirrors: Selfreflections Selfdistortions (6) (6.2003.Vitoria) - 01/01/2003 - 14/03/2025 (VITORIA)
- The (De)Constructive Power of Humor: Textual Interaction and Renewal in T. Pynchon'S (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Congreso de la Spanish Association for American Studies (Saas) (5.2001.Salamanca, España) - 04/04/2001 - 04/04/2001 (SALAMANCA, ESPAÑA)
- The Joke Sublime. Postmodern Time Plays (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Aedean (25) (25.2001.Granada) - 01/01/2001 - 14/03/2025 (GRANADA)
- La Construcción de una Nueva Identidad (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Congreso Internacional Literatura de las Americas (1.2000.León, España) - 01/01/2000 - 01/01/2000 (LEÓN, ESPAÑA)
- "Una Aproximación Finisecular a la Realidad Social que Ofrece la Estética Postmodernista Como Modo de Conocimiento. the Crying of Lot 49, de T. Pynchon y the Passion of New Eve, de A. Carter." (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- VIII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Semiótica - 15/12/1998 - 18/12/1998 (Universidad de Granada)
- La Construcción de una Nueva Identidad, el Mosaico de las Américas (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Congreso Internacional Literatura de las Américas, 1848-1998 (1.1998.León) - 12/10/1998 - 12/10/1998 (LEÓN)
- Progreso Humano, Derechos Humanos (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Congreso Universitario Internacional Univ98 () (.1998.Sevilla) - 01/01/1998 - 14/03/2025
- El Exilio Femenino en Heat and Dust (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Exilios Femeninos () (.1998.Huelva) - 01/01/1998 - 14/03/2025 (HUELVA)
- Humor As a Post-Modern Technique in Thomas Pynchon'S the Crying of Lot 49 (Congreso)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- II International Conference on American Literature (2) (2.1998.Caceres) - 01/01/1998 - 14/03/2025 (CACERES)