The group's publications in journals over the last 5 years are shown below. To consult previous publications, please access the journal publication history.
- Examining the Refugee Identity and the Ethics of Hospitality in Richard Powers' Generosity (2009)
- DOI: 10.1080/0013838X.2024.2390734
- English Studies
- Bennett, Lucía
- The Opera That Never Was: Dylan Thomas and Igor Stravinsky'S Projected Collaboration
- DOI: 10.28914/Atlantis-2024-46.1.06
- Atlantis. Journal of the Spanish Associa... vol. 46 num. 1 (pags 89 - 113)
- Bennett, Lucía / Falces-Sierra, Marta
- Striving for Attention: Furthering a Comparative Reading of Robert Browning and Edgar Allan Poe
- Miscelánea: a Journal of English and American Studies vol. 67 (pags 91 - 110)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Putovani Za Zvuku Fletny
- Protimluv vol. XXII num. 3 (pags 69 - 71)
- Mesic, Jiri
- Introduction to the Special Section on Representations of Human and Environmental Vulnerability in North American Literature
- Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos vol. 26 (pags i - iii)
- Chapman, Ana María / Bennett, Lucía
- Orfeo: a Posthuman Modern Prometheus. Uncommon Powers of Musical Imagination
- DOI:
- Anglia vol. 40 num. 3-4 (pags 591 - 606)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Journal of Feminist, Gender and Women Studies
- DOI:
- Journal of Feminist Gender and Women Studies num. 10 (pags 31 - 40)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Agential Materialism and the Feminist Paradigm. a Posthumanist Approach
- Journal of Feminist Gender and Women Studies num. 10 (pags 31 - 40)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Atlantis
- DOI:
- Atlantis: Journal of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies vol. 43 num. 1 (pags 20 - 38)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Accountable Metaphors. Transhuman Poetics of Failure in Tao Lin-S Taipei
- DOI:
- Atlantis: Journal of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies vol. 43 num. 1 (pags 20 - 38)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Post-Postmodernist Esthetics of Irrelevance: Textual Disability As Narrative Prosthesis (The Lin/Wallace Connection)
- DOI: 10.1080/00111619.2021.1996326
- Critique - Studies in Contemporary Fiction
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam / Chapman, Ana María
- Los Peligros de la Inteligencia Artificial y el Uso del Rostro Humano en Internet
- The Conversation
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam / Chapman, Ana María / Valls-Prieto, Javier
- Posthumanist Trauma: An Intrasectional Approach to Accountable Determinacy in Current North American Narrative.
- DOI:
- Journal of English Studies vol. 19 (pags 73 - 95)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Review of Gooseman, by M.G. Sanchez
- Journal of Mediterranean Studies vol. 30 num. 1 (pags 127 - 128)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Bodies in the Novel Infinite Jest
- DOI:
- Frontiers in Psychology vol. 12
- Chapman, Ana María / Chapman, Silvia / Cosentino, Stephanie
- "Las Huellas del Mesías en la Corrida de Toros"
- Revista de Estudios Taurinos vol. 47 (pags 251 - 275)
- Mesic, Jiri
- Hybridisation, Third Space and Language in Salman Rushdie-S Short Story -The Courter-
- Gaudeamus vol. 1 (pags 41 - 58)
- Hidalgo, Carmen
- Jaded Selves and Body Distance: a Case Study of Cotard-S Syndrome in -Infinite Jest-
- DOI: 10.18172/jes.3953
- Journal of English Studies vol. 18 (pags 37 - 58)
- Chapman, Ana María
- Piecing Together: Body Control, Mutability and Entertainment Technology in Infinite Jest
- Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos vol. 23
- Chapman, Ana María
- Of Language and Music. a Neo-Baroque, Environmental Approach to the Human, Infrahuman and Superhuman in Richard Powers- Orfeo
- DOI:
- Anglia vol. 137 num. 1 (pags 126 - 146)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- Lo Plausible. Similitudes y Diferencias entre la Malinche y Pocahontas
- Miscelánea: a Journal of English and American Studies vol. 60 (pags 51 - 70)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- "Hijas de un Sueño. Gerardo Rodríguez Salas"
- Acta Literaria vol. 59 (pags 135 - 139)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam
- `Acting Out- and `Working Through- Departure in Thomas Pynchon-S Bleeding Edge
- Njes: Nordic Journal of English Studies vol. 18 num. 2 (pags 86 - 110)
- Fernandez-Santiago, Miriam