Research Projects
- (2022-1-CZ01-KA220-HED-000085765) Research into Representations of Intercultural Contacts in Czech Travelogue Texts from the Mediterranean Up to 1918, Using Digital Humanities
- Date: 01/12/2022 - 30/11/2025
- Principal Investigator: Mesic, Jiri
- (IGA_FF_2015_041) Anglo-American Linguistics, Literary Science, and Translation Studies in International Context
- Date: 02/03/2015 - 28/02/2017
- Researchers: Mesic, Jiri
- (IGA_FF_2015_007) Leonard Cohen, the Modern Troubadour
- Date: 01/03/2015 - 01/03/2016
- Principal Investigator: Mesic, Jiri
- (SGS2/FF/2012) The Song in Cultural Contexts
- Date: 12/02/2012 - 31/12/2012
- Researchers: Mesic, Jiri
- Putovani Za Zvuku Fletny
- Protimluv vol. XXII num. 3 (pags 69 - 71)
- Mesic, Jiri
- "Las Huellas del Mesías en la Corrida de Toros"
- Revista de Estudios Taurinos vol. 47 (pags 251 - 275)
- Mesic, Jiri
- The Nature of Love in the Work of Leonard Cohen
- Journal of Popular Romance Studies vol. 7 num. 1 (pags 1 - 21)
- Mesic, Jiri
- Písne Ze Zazitých Válek / Wars I Have Seen
- Revolver Revue vol. 106 (pags 94 - 99)
- Mesic, Jiri
- The Good and Evil G-D in the Song of Leonard Cohen
- Redefining Community in Intercultural Context vol. 5 num. 1 (pags 245 - 251)
- Mesic, Jiri
- Music and Human Mobility. Redefining Community in Intercultural Context. the Good and Evil G-D in the Song of Leonard Cohen
- Redefining Community in Intercultural Context vol. 5 num. 1 (pags 245 - 251)
- Mesic, Jiri
- Everybody Knows by Harvey Kubernik.
- American and British Studies Annual vol. 9 (pags 170 - 172)
- Mesic, Jiri
- The Importance of Tradition: Sensual and Spiritual Aspects of Love According to the Medieval Andalusian Muslim Poets and the Occitan Troubadours in Contrast with the Contemporary Singer-Songwriter Leonard Cohen
- Revista Do Fórum Internacional de Estudos Em Música e Dança (pags 153 - 162)
- Mesic, Jiri
- Leonard Cohen: the Modern Troubadour
- American and British Studies Annual vol. 9 (pags 134 - 146)
- Mesic, Jiri
- Vladimír Vokolek
- Mosaici
- Mesic, Jiri
- Another Take on Leonard Cohen
- American and British Studies Annual vol. 9 (pags 170 - 172)
- Mesic, Jiri
- Leonard Cohen, the Priest of a Catacomb Religion
- Moravian Journal of Literature and Film vol. 6 num. 1 (pags 29 - 47)
- Mesic, Jiri
- Vladimíra Židková: Les
- Protimluv vol. 14 num. 3/4 (pags 56 - 58)
- Mesic, Jiri
- A Broken Hallelujah: Rock and Roll, Redemption, and the Life of Leonard Cohen
- Transatlantica num. 1
- Mesic, Jiri
- Ríkají Mi Coura Od Masa. Mimo Jiné
- Protimluv vol. 13 num. 1/2 (pags 88 - 97)
- Mesic, Jiri
- The Cow
- Protimluv vol. 13 num. 1/2 (pags 92 - 97)
- Mesic, Jiri
- The Cow
- Protimluv vol. 13 num. 1/2 (pags 92 - 97)
- Mesic, Jiri
- Leonard Cohen: the Music and the Mystique
- Ostrava Journal of English Philology vol. 5 num. 2 (pags 146 - 149)
- Mesic, Jiri
- Robinson Jeffers a John Steinbeck: Vzdálení I Blízcí
- Pandanus vol. 7 num. 2 (pags 149 - 151)
- Mesic, Jiri
- The Song of Initiation by Leonard Cohen
- Ostrava Journal of English Philology vol. 5 num. 1 (pags 69 - 93)
- Mesic, Jiri
- Devastovaná Krajina Robinsona Jefferse a Johna Steinbecka
- Protimluv vol. 12 num. 3/4 (pags 108 - 109)
- Mesic, Jiri
- P-Eklad Text- Johna Passe / Translations of John Pass
- Protimluv vol. 11 num. 1/2 (pags 26 - 32)
- Mesic, Jiri
- The Cult of Divine Birth in Ancient Greece
- Ostrava Journal of English Philology vol. 4 num. 1 (pags 173 - 174)
- Mesic, Jiri
- Svéráz Národního Bolu
- Host vol. 15 num. 8 (pags 85 - 87)
- Mesic, Jiri
(2020) John Pass: Vetrna Zvonkohra (113 pags)
- Protimluv
- Mesic, Jiri / Pass, John
- Palacký University Press
- Mesic, Jiri
- Éditions FRA
- Mesic, Jiri / Musilova, Martina
- Esic
- Mesic, Jiri
- Protimluv o.s.
- Mesic, Jiri
(2021) Prólogo (pags 9 - 13)
- Aleluya. Mística y Religiones en el Rock - ISBN: 978-84-480-2654-7
- Mesic, Jiri
- Exploring the Spiritual in Popular Music: Beatified Beats - ISBN: 978-1-3500-8692-0
- Mesic, Jiri
- From Page to Screen/Vom Buch Zum Film - ISBN: 978-3-8233-8367-3
- Mesic, Jiri
- John Pass: V-Trná Zvonkohra - ISBN: 978-80-87485-82-8
- Mesic, Jiri
- John Pass: V-Trná Zvonkohra - ISBN: 978-80-87485-82-8
- Mesic, Jiri
- Gertruda Steinová: Mluvit a Naslouchat - ISBN: 978-80-7521-039-5
- Mesic, Jiri
- English and American Songwriting During the Covid-19 Pandemic (Congreso)
- Mesic, Jiri
- 16Th Saas (Spanish Association for American Studies) Conference: "A Return to (What Never Was) Normal: Discourses of (Ab)Normalcy in Us Culture, Literature, Arts and Politics; Past, Present and Future" - 28/03/2023 - 30/03/2023 (Universidad de Granada, España)
- Bob Dylan and Television Advertising: a Few Notes on Corporate and Artistic Tensions (Congreso)
- Mesic, Jiri
- I Universidad de Jaén International Conference on Popular Culture - 29/09/2022 - 30/09/2022 (Jaén)
- Build Back Better? Vulnerability in the Writings of Pope Francis and Klaus Schwab (Congreso)
- Mesic, Jiri
- Interfaces: Representations of Human Vulnerability in the Fourth Industrial Revolution - 09/06/2022 - 10/06/2022 (Universidad de Granada)
- Leonard Cohen, the `Sufi- Mystic (Congreso)
- Mesic, Jiri
- Oprimidos por las Formas de la Belleza: Primer Congreso sobre Leonard Cohen y la Canción de Autor - 15/11/2021 - 18/11/2021 (Universidad de Oviedo)
- Leonard Cohen, Democracia y el Marketing Ideológico (Congreso)
- Mesic, Jiri
- Perspectiva Sonora - 03/07/2019 - 05/07/2019 (Mataró (Barcelona), España)
- The Nature of Good and Evil G-D in the Work of Leonard Cohen (Congreso)
- Mesic, Jiri
- Music and Human Mobility - 07/06/2016 - 09/06/2016 (FCSH, Universidad Nova de Lisboa)
- The Importance of Tradition: Sensual and Spiritual Aspects of Love According to the Medieval Andalusian Muslim Poets, the Predecessors and Contemporaries of the Occitan Troubadours, in Contrast with the Contemporary Singer-Songwriter Leonard Cohen (Congreso)
- Mesic, Jiri
- Post-Ip -15: Post-in-Progress: 3Rd International Post-Graduate Forum for Studies in Music and Dance - 09/12/2015 - 11/12/2015 (Aveiro)
- Leonard Cohen, the Priest of a Catacomb Religion (Congreso)
- Mesic, Jiri
- The Sacred in Popular Music - 30/06/2015 - 30/06/2015 (Institute of the Contemporary Music Performance, London)
- Leonard Cohen, the Priest of a Catacomb Religion (Congreso)
- Mesic, Jiri
- 55E Congrès Société Des Anglicistes de L-Enseignement Supérieur - 04/06/2015 - 06/06/2015 (Toulon, France)
- The Nature of Love in the Work of Leonard Cohen (Congreso)
- Mesic, Jiri
- Love, Lust and Longing: Rethinking Intimacy, 5Th International Symposium - 11/05/2015 - 13/05/2015 (Alternative Academia, Barcelona)
- Leonard Cohen, the Modern Troubadour (Congreso)
- Mesic, Jiri
- Holy Crap! Intersections of the Popular and the Sacred in Youth Cultures - 27/08/2014 - 28/08/2014 (Helsinki (Finland))
- Songs of Initiation by Leonard Cohen (Congreso)
- Mesic, Jiri
- Annual Student Conference del Departamento de los Estudios Ingleses y Americanos - 28/03/2012 - 28/03/2012 (Universidad de Ostrava)